After merging 6 bam files (samtools merge) I attempted to look at the read depth within a specific set of intervals and got the following error, not sure exactly why expect maybe the merge tool takes a sam and not a bam file?
samtools depth -b --bed /sonas-hs/tollkuhn/hpc_norepl/home/rbronste/refGene/promoter_example.bed /sonas-hs/hpc_norepl/home/rbronste/h_merged.bam /sonas-hs/hpc_norepl/home/rbronste/B_merged.bam
[bam_header_read] EOF marker is absent. The input is probably truncated.
[bam_header_read] invalid BAM binary header (this is not a BAM file).
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Something is wrong with your BAM file. If you copied it somewhere, it may have been corrupted. Merge can be used on BAM files just fine, so somewhere along the line (whether before or after merging), one of your BAM files was messed up.