Entering edit mode
6.3 years ago
Hi, I want to run VarScan fpfilter for 3 .hc.vcf files (somatic, germline, LOH), however when I run this command
bam-readcount -q 1 -b 20 -l all.Somatic.hc.var -f hg38.fa tumor.bam > all.Somatic.hc.readcount
I get this error
[fai_load] build FASTA index. [fail_load_core] different line length in sequence ‘(null)’
Based on google search I found that I have to use Picard to normalize lines of sequence. But when I run this command java -jar picard.jar NormalizeFasta -I hg38.fasta -O normalized_hg38.fasta
I get this error “
Invalid argument ‘-I’
I also run with -i and without argument but still get the same error
Invalid argument
I stuck in this step :( can anyone help me with this errors? Thanks!