Hello All,
I want to use fishplot in R to draw a model picture like this: https://ibb.co/h7WtX0
Here is my code:
frac.table=matrix(c(2,0,0,3,1,0,50,40,2,90,75,30),ncol = length(timepoints))
parents = c(0,1,2)
fish = createFishObject(frac.table,parents,timepoints=timepoints)
fish = layoutClones(fish)
fish = setCol(fish,col=c("grey","lightpink","lightblue"))`
cex.title=0.5,bg.type = 'solid',bg.col = c('white'))
But finally i get a picture :https://ibb.co/eoHgkL
I tried several times changing the matrix and the picture is still sunk in the middle and looks ugly. Can anyone tell me how to fix it?
Are you able to reproduce their USAGE example ?
Yes, I think i understand the example and i set my own timepoint, matrix and parents. The problem is that i can't get a roundish cruve in my picture. In timepoint 3 there is alaways a sunken and i don't know why.