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6.3 years ago
Hi, I want to run fpfilter (VarScan false-positive filter) to remove false positives from the vcf files; however I stuck in the step of generating readcount from my vcf file. This is my command:
bam-readcount -f hg38.fa -q 1 -b 20 -l all.Somatic.hc.var tumor.sorted.bam > all.Somatic.hc.readcount
I get this error:
Minimum mapping quality is set to 1
[bam_index_load] fail to load BAM index.
BAM indexing file is not available.
Can anyone help me out? Thanks!
Thank you ATpoint, I did your suggestion but still I get error. I indexed the sorted.bam file
samtools index tumor.sorted.bam
and put the output tumor.sorted.bam.bai in the commandI got this error:
Any help?
No, you supply the Bam file in the command. The index file only needs to be present in the same directory. Please spend some time on searching around for the basics of NGS file formats and its usage.