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6.0 years ago
What is the difference between . and ./. for a missing genotype in a VCF file? For example in one VCF record I have these two sample genotypes.
GT:AD:DP:GQ:MMQ:PGT:PID:PL .:0,0:.:.:.:.:.:. ./.:0,0:0:.:.:.:.:0,0,0
There is also is a difference in which genotype attributes are 0 or .
Could be X chromosome, in which case males and females can be represented in the same VCF.
The single record is from the output of a recent variant calling of a diploid organism with GATK4. GATK4 variant called multiple samples via GenotypeGVCFs (i.e. there was intermediate GVCF output that was later merged).
Oh thanks @Emily, I completely forgot about the Sex-chromosomes!
I came across this question, and I see that it is an old discussion, but I will try. SO I am getting vcf file from freebayes for 1 autosome diploid chromosome for 51individuals, but for some missing genotypes I am getting "." and for others with "./." in the same vcf file. While calling variants with freebayes I mentioned ploidy 2. Does anybody have an idea why this happens and how can I fix it?
Are they male? Are the variants on the sex chromosomes?