I would like to tap into the Biostars community knowledge for a quick question. Please feel free to mark as out of scope if this type of questions are not allowed in Biostars (couldn't find the rules). We are trying to identify open source bioinformatics operations tools that provide support for databases (individuals, samples, NGS experiments, informatics apps, results), assets management (data import and storage), automated tool deployment (not necessarily execution), etc. So far we have identified the following:
- SeqWare
- QuickNGS
- Genome Modeling System (GMS)
- GenomeVIP
- HTSFlow
- GenePattern
Do you guys know about more?
Things we are not looking for:
- Domain Specific Workflow Languages / Specifications (e.g. CWL, WDL, BioDSL, NGLess, etc)
- Workflow Management Systems (e.g. Toil, Cromwell, bpipe, Cosmos, FireWorks, Kronos, Pegasus, etc)
- Application Suites (e.g. bcbio-nextgen, genPipes, OmicsPipe, ClusterFlow, etc)
- Server/Cloud Workbenches (e.g. DNANexus, Arvados, FireCloud, SevenBridges, Galaxy, Taverna, etc)
Features we are interested in:
- Databasing of Patients, Samples, NGS Experiments, Bioinformatics Applications, Analyses Results, or more
- Comprenhensive RESTful API with documentation
- NGS Assets Management (Permissions, Storage, Tracking)
- Automated deployment and tracking of bioinformatics applications (agnostic to apps/languages/infrastructures/WMS etc)
- Operational automations on data import and analyses status change
- User Interface to browse and manage metadata and analyses results previews/visualization
Thanks again and sorry if question is out of scope.
By the way, we are aware of the following lists:
Moved post to forum.
Thanks, forum is a better place for this question
Basically you are looking for a NGS Laboratory Information Management system (LIMS). Open source/free?