This? - here I add everything but then hide the row annotation colour bar by setting it to white.
Create random data
data <- replicate(20, rnorm(50))
rownames(data) <- paste("Gene", c(1:nrow(data)))
colnames(data) <- paste("Sample", c(1:ncol(data)))
Create col and row metadata
metadata <- data.frame(
c(rep("case", ncol(data)/2), rep("control", ncol(data)/2)),
c(rep("cond1", ncol(data)/4), rep("cond2", ncol(data)/4), rep("cond3", ncol(data)/4), rep("cond4", ncol(data)/4)),
colnames(metadata) <- c("casecontrol","condition")
metadata_gene <- data.frame(
c(rep("Tcell", nrow(data)/2), rep("Bcell", nrow(data)/2)),
colnames(metadata_gene) <- c("Cell")
create the heatmap
out <- pheatmap(data,
show_rownames=F, cluster_cols=T, cluster_rows=T, scale="row",
cex=1, clustering_distance_rows="euclidean", cex=1,
clustering_distance_cols="euclidean", clustering_method="complete", border_color=FALSE,
modify the row annotation
grid.gedit("row_annotation", gp = gpar(col = "white", fill = "white", text = ""))
Thanks, Kevin, but this is not what I was looking for. The annotation works just fine. I want the legend (on the right of the heatmap) to only be displayed for certain column annotations , in your case for instance only for condition but not for case control - or no legend for column annotations, just for row annotations would be OK too. Any ideas?
I see! - we can still use the same idea, though.
When you run the
command, you'll see a list appear:These are objects / components in the plot. We can edit these in the same way that I mentioned previously. The row colour bar is stored as row_annotation.4-2-4-2; our annotation legends are listed under annotation_legend.4-6-5-6; the vertical colour key components are listed under legend.4-5-5-5.
Here is a reproducible answer to get rid of all components of the condition legend, and just the title of the cell legend:
Create random data
Create col and row metadata
create the heatmap
identify the objects in the plot
edit the objects
Thank you very much for the thorough explanation! Unfortunately this still doesn't quite solve my issue. As I have a multitude of annotations, pheatmap cuts any legend that exceeds the height of the image. I don't want to make the image height big enough to display all legend entries. As some of my legend entries share the same color code it would be better to not show them. I was hoping that I could delete some legend entries and then the later entries would move into their space. Your solution introduces white space instead and the later legend entries are still not visible. Do you know how I can manually reorder the legend entries? So that in your example case control would be plotted before condition? That would be great! Thanks a lot!
Yes, you can just flip them by manually ordering like this:
That should flip
.If you have issues fitting the legends on the plot, then also consider modifying the width and height via the
parameters, passed to either or both ofpheatmap()
when you generate the plot and topdf()
when you save it.if I understand it well that flips the annotation both in the annotation and the legend? I would like to only flip it in the legend - is that possible?
Although I am sure that there are ways to do that via coding, the quickest way is likely in a graphics editor, i.e., after you have generated and saved the figure to disk. Also, ComplexHeatmap provides much more flexibility than pheatmap for these things. I always use ComplexHeatmap. Working with the gplots and pheatmap heatmaps can be frustrating due to this lack of flexibility.
ah that's too bad, but thank you very much for your help! especially the grid package made me understand the heatmap better. thanks!