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6.3 years ago
Dear all I have some protein sequences and bacterial genomes. I need to have a figure showing a block diagram of upstream and dowstream genes of that particular gene within multiple bacterial genome. Is there any tool for making a synteny of one gene in multiple genomes of bacteria?
This might be possible with Synima (https://github.com/rhysf/Synima ). You would just restrict the input files to the region you are interested in.
interesting link, thx.
there is a small typo in your link though (you added a ')' in the link address ;) )Fixed by OPThanks- it is fixed now.
Doesn't exactly fit the bill, but you may be interested in looking at MultiGeneBlast and/or Sibelia.
Hi Sibelia is used for comparing only two genomes. I can not use it for multiple genomes.
It can create multiple pairwise comparisons in a Circos plot, but as I said, may not exactly fit the bill anyway.