Hi everyone
I am thinking if testing the bwa.post processing for alt contigs provided by bwa.kit... but I am very confused
BWA kit releases can be downloaded from here:
and it seems it is hosted now on github here
but if you go to the github page , they say the contents of the package are : these:
|-- README.md This README file.
|-- run-bwamem *Entry script* for the entire mapping pipeline.
|-- bwa *BWA binary*
|-- k8 Interpretor for *.js scripts.
|-- bwa-postalt.js Post-process alignments to ALT contigs/decoys/HLA genes.
|-- htsbox Used by run-bwamem for shuffling BAMs and BAM=>FASTQ.
|-- samblaster MarkDuplicates for reads from the same library. v0.1.20
|-- samtools SAMtools for sorting and SAM=>BAM conversion. v1.1
|-- seqtk For FASTQ manipulation.
|-- trimadap Trim Illumina PE sequencing adapters.
|-- run-gen-ref *Entry script* for generating human reference genomes.
|-- resource-GRCh38 Resources for generating GRCh38
| |-- hs38DH-extra.fa Decoy and HLA gene sequences. Used by run-gen-ref.
| `-- hs38DH.fa.alt ALT-to-GRCh38 alignment. Used by run-gen-ref.
|-- run-HLA HLA typing for sequences extracted by bwa-postalt.js.
|-- typeHLA.sh Type one HLA-gene. Called by run-HLA.
|-- typeHLA.js HLA typing from exon-to-contig alignment. Used by typeHLA.sh.
|-- typeHLA-selctg.js Select contigs overlapping HLA exons. Used by typeHLA.sh.
|-- fermi2.pl Fermi2 wrapper. Used by typeHLA.sh for de novo assembly.
|-- fermi2 Fermi2 binary. Used by fermi2.pl.
|-- ropebwt2 RopeBWT2 binary. Used by fermi2.pl.
|-- resource-human-HLA Resources for HLA typing
| |-- HLA-ALT-exons.bed Exonic regions of HLA ALT contigs. Used by typeHLA.sh.
| |-- HLA-CDS.fa CDS of HLA-{A,B,C,DQA1,DQB1,DRB1} genes from IMGT/HLA-3.18.0.
| |-- HLA-ALT-type.txt HLA types for each HLA ALT contig. Not used.
| `-- HLA-ALT-idx BWA indices of each HLA ALT contig. Used by typeHLA.sh
| `-- (...)
`-- doc BWA documentations
|-- bwa.1 Manpage
|-- NEWS.md Release Notes
|-- README.md GitHub README page
`-- README-alt.md Documentation for ALT mapping
I have downloaded the files and this content is no where to be found. All it contains is the source files to make bwa and a subfolder with the bwa.kit scripts for alt mapping, index building and post processing
What am I missing?
unfortunately this is not the case ,, take a look at the folder called doc and the resource-human-HLA. and the other resource folder
none of those folders are on the downloads ... i know I checked
I've downloaded
from this source. After extracting the content of thebwa.kit
folder looks like this:Looks quite similar like the list on github.
Ok ... I think I got what is wrong. I downloaded what I thought was the latest version from that link (0.7.17 file)
But the bwakit is the file below at version 0.7.15
Many thanks
Feeling a bit of an idiot :)