how to convert the fpkm value generated from cufflink to tpm value using r programming????
how to convert the fpkm value generated from cufflink to tpm value using r programming????
It is going to be difficult to calculate TPM from FPKM values in Cuffdiff unless you have raw count values or gene length vector. I would suggest moving to count based methods since the old Tuxedo protocol is deprecated.
TPM(i) = ( FPKM(i) / sum ( FPKM all transcripts ) ) * 10^6
TPM = (((mean transcript length in kilobases) x RPKM) / sum(RPKM all genes)) * 10^6
To convert fpkm to tpm first generate dummy FPKM data
num_genes <- 1000
num_samples <- 5
fpkm_matrix <- matrix(rexp(num_genes * num_samples, rate = 0.1), nrow = num_genes)
colnames(fpkm_matrix) <- paste0("Sample_", 1:num_samples)
rownames(fpkm_matrix) <- paste0("Gene_", 1:num_genes)
Create a function for tpm based on above formula
sum_fpkm_per_sample <- colSums(fpkm_matrix)
scaling_factors <- sum_fpkm_per_sample / 1e6
tpm_matrix <- t(t(fpkm_matrix) / scaling_factors * 1e6)
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Actually, you can convert in R by the function I got from another forum and used.
fpkmToTpm <- function(fpkm) {
exp(log(fpkm) - log(sum(fpkm)) + log(1e6))
where fpkm is the values you got from TCGA for example.
How do you want to cite that in a paper? In general we do not recommend to convert directly between normalized counts because they could been based on whatever non-linear transformation.
For a small dataset (raw counts) I tested, it did work fine. I did not expect the formula to be so simple :). Thanks for this input. Looking forward to learn more from this discussion.
Which package do I need to install for this code?
Why do you want to use either FPKM or TPM?
You should abandon RPKM / FPKM. They are not ideal where cross-sample differential expression analysis is your aim; indeed, they render samples incomparable via differential expression analysis:
Please read this: A comprehensive evaluation of normalization methods for Illumina high-throughput RNA sequencing data analysis
Also, by Harold Pimental: What the FPKM? A review of RNA-Seq expression units
Please, read this article for basic calculation,
actually after doing cufflink i got the genes.fpkm_tracking as output file so i am clueless what to do next for further data analysis, and how can i convert the generated fpkm values to tpm values...plzz can sum1 help out
Hi, I highly recommend to leave the cufflinks fpkm output alone and use a more simple and state-of-the-art approach such as featureCounts or HTseq-count directly from BAM files and then generate TPM or CPM from the counts directly using RSEM. In addition I recommend to provide more information, your question is pretty unspecific, and please avoid chat jargon like "plzz sum1". The R-programming portion should be ignored unless there are multiple alternative ways to do this.