I am using hg38 as a reference for mapping in bwa-0.7.17. I have already created the 5 BWA index files for my reference fasta file. Since it's advisable to also take into consideration the alternate contigs (hg38DH.fa.alt); I wanted to ask if: 1. How do we include the file containing decoy sequences (hg38DH-extra.fa) in the alignment process.
In case the decoy file is needed, does it need to be in the same folder as the other index files.
If the bwa index files for the ALT contigs need to be present.
After aligning with a reference containing the decoys, should we filter the bam to remove the reads that have mapped to the decoy?
But wouldn't including these regions expand the scope of my variant search and also verify if the variants I have gotten are indeed novel ?
I tried to explain this a little bit more in detailed, in this part of the tutorial ATpoint linked to. The most important conclusion is:
fin swimmer
Thank you. Would you be aware of any Alt-aware variant callers ? I mostly plan to use GATK haplotypecaller, freebayes, pindel and varscan.
BWAkit from the BWA package