Hi EveryOne,
I have a miRNA-seq data (One Control and One infected) from my own study. All Downstream analysis tools like edgeR and DESEQ2 (except NoiSeq) Needs Triplicates. But in my case i have only one sample from control and infected, so i have duplicated twice the same gene counts for control and infected to make triplicates. Now i have three samples for each control and infected. Am i right? is this meaningful ? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the answers everyOne. So, what will be the solution to come up with a correct DE analysis with single data without replicates.
That is impossible.
You can plot the log2FCs for all genes, maybe with a decent cutoff to get rid of low counts, to get an idea which genes go up or down, but this will be purely explorative and is not reliable. There is no computational framework that compensates for underpowered experiments and poor design, unfortunately.
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