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6.0 years ago
Anybody used ContEst16S: an algorithm that identifies contaminated prokaryotic genomes using 16S RNA gene sequences from EZBiocloud for Illumina files? It gives error when I upload fasta file reads from Illumina. I unzip files and convert them to fasta. It says something went wrong in a webpage error.
I'd naively assume it expects a fastq file, rather than a fasta file. Can you add a link?
here is the link. I tried fastq format, it reject that format from the beginning. https://www.ezbiocloud.net/tools/contest16s
I see, the page clearly says fasta format.
Perhaps you could be a bit more specific here.
I tried to upload a fasta concatenated file from my Illumina pair-end reads, it says "something went wrong displaying the webpage."
Can you show us a few lines of your fasta file, and please add the commands you used to make the file.
This is raw illumina reads concatenated using
Then, I used fastxtoool kit to convert from fastq to fasta