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6.3 years ago
hi I want to study miRNA-mRNA interaction in gastric cancer. I downloaded the datasets from SRA and did differential expression using DESEQ2.My pipeline was Bowtie>featurecounts>deseq2. I used NCBI human reference genome file and annotation file. I worked till this using galaxy.Here after I don't know how to proceed. Whether I should go for functional enrichment or functional annotation?what is the next step?Please help
I think we need a bit more information about your project and your goals. 1) What are the samples? Drug treated? Mutant vs Wildtype? miRNA upregulation? 2) Is this some sort of miRNA-seq or mRNA-seq? Are you up/downregulating an miRNA then seeing which genes are differentially expressed? 3) Is the goal of the study to see which mRNAs a specific miRNA directly targets? Are you interested in secondary effects?
Sure, you can look at functional enrichment (if you're working on human data then I'd recommend MSigDB and GSEA/GO term analyses), but what do you want out of this data? Do you have a hypothesis? Are you interested in specific genes or pathways?
I am doing differential expression analysis using miRNA seq in gastric cancer.i am using 3 sets,control,adjacent,tumor.i have got the deseq2 results.using the miRNAs I want to study angiogenesis is gastric cancer.
I am telling this based on the understanding of your Aim. Though you need to perform miRNA-mRNA interaction, next you have to do a target gene prediction of your miRNAs and correlate them with your DE genes from mRNA analysis results. Then go for an Gene enrichment and pathway analysis.
Thank you for your reply.I have one more doubt,after doing deseq2 I got the results.but gene ids are given in the table.how can I know the gene names from that?should I search that manually in ncbi(there is nearly 1500 gene ids),or is there any tools for that?
-g gene_name
instead ofgene ID
while running featureCounts then go for DESeq2.ok.let me try this.thank you
I used NCBI humane reference genome.in that gene identifier is ID.
Your .gtf annotation file, must have the gene names. Please ensure that.