Dear all,
I tried to open the example RNA-seq raw reads by using the simple command like head, but I got the error as shown below
$ head ~/RNA-seq/Liu2015/SRR1272191_IDCLV_1.fastq.gz
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I didn't find any problem when I used this read to run FastQC and TrimGalore.
Could you please give me a suggestion, What should I solve this problem?
Thank you so much,
seems like an unicode-encoding problem. what system are you using?
Output of
zcat your.fastq.gz | head
?I check it in the preferences of the terminal the default is UTF-8, I tried to enable all encodings but the result was the same. Thanks
I ran zcat and the result was an error
So, I tried to use gunzip and head it,
So, I have to gunzip every files that I want to look it, right?
Do you have any option that I can look at it without decompress?
Thanks for your kind help
No you don't need to do that. Your system should have a program called
. You can look at compressed files directly by usingzmore your_file.fq.gz
(press the keyq
to quit out ofzmore
). A program calledless
is also smart enough to decompress the files on the fly so you could look at them by doingless your_file.fq.gz
(press the keyq
to quit out ofless
).Please put in some effort and use the code button (
) to activate highlighting of your code snippets to improve readability. Yes, if you want to see compressed files withhead
you have to decompress, but things likezcat file.fq.gz | head
are fine. No need to decompress the whole file. Alternatively usezless file.fastq.gz
. As this comes down to a lack of background in Unix basics, I strongly recommend to spend some time on the basics of Unix command line and file formats/suffixes before you continue with your analysis.I'm sorry, this is my first post. I'll improve it next time. And thank you so much for your kind suggestion, I'm a beginner and don't have enough background in UNIX as you mentioned. I'll spend more time on the basics of Unix.
Thank you so much
If the gunzip worked then also the zcat should, on a Linux system. You probably made a mistake in the path.
No need to apologize, I only intended to give recommendations. You'll see that well-formatted and well-written questions and comments have a much higher change of getting good answers :)