I can't use the trimmomatic -trimlog output because it severely slows down the process and I just want to save the summary statistics. The statistics show up as the stdout on the terminal window but I cannot figure out how to save that to my own output file in my bash script.
for files in .
java -jar /path/to/trimmomatic-jar SE -phred33 ${files} ${files%%.fastq}_trimmed.fastq ILLUMINACLIP:/path/to/trimmomatic/adapters.fa:2:30:10 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20 > log.txt
Using > log.txt at the end does not work, neither did: command | tee log.txt nor did command >> script log.txt nor did command 2& > log.txt
Anyone have any ideas?
appends STDOUT and STDERR to the same file. You might benefit from not mixing stuff up and piping2>file.err 1>file.out
Agreed. Once you start using pipes (and you will/should for larger NGS data) this
will likely eventually corrupt your output files. Go with the suggestion of Wouter using2>
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