Hi. I am new to Galaxy and bioinformatics so feel free to let me know if there is a better way of asking my question. The files were executed in a way that the MultiQC did not recognize the files existed. I downloaded SRA files to Galaxy. These files were transfered to a Paired-end data folder with each accession (sample) inside along with the forward and reverse fastq files. This general file format remains after running these Files through FastQC. Now, I am trying to run the files through MultiQC but the data is not recognized. Does anyone have suggestions on how to fix this?
This question may be best asked on Galaxy support page: https://help.galaxyproject.org/
That said. Are you pointing MultiQC to FastQC results file(s)? Here is what the
help says:Any workaround to this?, I am trying the same....
Basically, want to translate the following script's lines to CWL:
For that, i have written 2 tools (fastqc.cwl and multiqc.cwl) and got a workflow that uses that tools, the problem here is "fastqc tool", this tool read all files inside a directory and process it using scatter, and output a list of files.
How can I link the directory that contains all outputs to the next step (multiqc)?, I have tried adding the "working dir" (outputBinding: {glob: "."}) in the fastqc tool but since it is a scatter method it returns an array of directories and not a single dir.
There exists another way to run fastqc over a group of files that doesn't involve scatter?.
workflow.cwl This is not finished, just draft.
Please do not ask questions in existing threads. Open a new question. You may consider posting this in the new support forum for CWL which has moved away from Biostars recently, see CWL user support moving to https://cwl.discourse.group/; many thanks to Biostars for over 4 years of support!