Hi, I aligned a small RNA seq data with Bowtie and STAR and I observed that there is a large difference between the read counts from both the aligners for the same miRNA from the same sample. I further checked the bam files of the same sample from both the aligners and found many differences. I am trying to understand what are the major reasons for these differences. Is it majorly algorithm differences? What are the other criteria I can consider to understand the read count differences? I am posting a picture of igv viewer of bam files from both the aligners for reference
Thank you, Hothri
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Please be more specific.
why don't you use a program designed to align and count miRNA reads like miRdeep2 for example?
miRdeep2 is very specific to miRNA only, I am looking for small RNA expression ( rRNA, snoRNa etc)
Please add exact command lines used for both programs.