Dear all, It's the first time that I move to analyze methylated data. I will start with the dataset, containing data extracted from Agilent-023795 Human DNA Methylation Microarray 244k (Probe Name Version). My goal is to look for differentially methylated regions and related genes. Please, can someone suggest me which package will be suitable for my scope? Any suggest is welcome. Thank you guys. Emilio
Thanks Kevin. Just another question: which one is the better package to make the differential methylation analysis in may case?
You can likely use the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test if you are comparing samples that are 'generally' similar/related. or those that are paired - it is a non-parametric test, which is the safest bet in these cases. Typically, in methylation, we obtain a p-value from a test and also the difference in mean methylation.
Difference in means
=mean methylation Group A
-mean methylation Group B