Hi EveryOne,
I came up with the list of miRNAs after the deferential expression analysis of in-house data. Now i am trying to find human target genes for those miRNAs from miRDB, targetscan, miRWalk. Now i have a large list of Human target genes from these three databases. But i am confused, how can i filter the validated miRNAs from these list. Is there any easiest way ?. Thanks in advance.
I don't understand you problem? You have a list of DE miRNAs and you have a list with the predicted/validated targets for those miRNAs (from the DBs) - what is your problem?
I have different number of Target genes from those three DBs(150 from miRDB, 205 from miRwalk), I donot need all the genes, i need some parameter to filter out meaningfully to comeup with best hits of target genes.
Then you might want to consider using anti-correlation across the entire Fantom 5 miRNA collection data (1800+ samples) which is described in this article.