Which are the lesser known tools for variant annotations which specifically have VCF as input file format?
Which are the lesser known tools for variant annotations which specifically have VCF as input file format?
open-cravat handles VCF input file format. Disclosure: I am the lead architect of open-cravat.
When referring to a package it is customary to include links. Multiple packages can have similar names. I think you are referring to this package?
That is fine to do since you are not a commercial entity selling software. You could create a separate post describing your software under tools
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Which are the greater known tools for variant annotation that you do know specifically?
I know of VEP, Annovar, SnpEff and SnpSift, VariantAnnotation.
They are not probably lesser known, but one never knows how much someone else knows. If I unknowingly offended you with my list, please let me know. The WikiPedia page on SNP annotation has a long list, however, as they are on WikiPedia, they probably are not the lesser known ones as well.
I asked for the "lesser" known ones since I did not want to miss out any from my list. The ones mentioned by you are common ones which even a simple Google search could have told me.