I am trying to get, reaction IDs, descriptions, compound IDs and their descriptions from ko IDs (e.g. K00163). I went through Biostars and KEGG rest APIs, but I can't find an answer.
For example, I have a K00163. My goal is
ko:K00507 has R02222 (Reaction ID, description) has C00001(compound),C00007 (IDs, Definitions)
ko:K00507 has R12173 (Reaction ID, description) has C00999,C21072...(IDs, Definitions)
The kegg rest api doesn't have the chemical reaction info. I tried some other ways but can't find ways.
The url has some patterns.
Maybe I could use some html parser and html libraries (like request) so request a ko ID html and parse it and then get reaction IDs html and parse it over and over again, but it doesn't seem a nice way.
Is there a nice way of doing it?
Thank you in advance.
Thank you. I tried that way before, but it doesn't have the chemical reaction information.
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I am sorry. For some reason, I removed the post. Sorry again.