I have WES data of tumor samples with matched ones extracted from 13 patients (paired-end, illumina). I used BWA mem to align them against hg38, and used VarScan2 to call somatic variations. Now I have 6 files (fpfilter_Passed.vcf) for each patient (Somatic, LOH, Germline for each of snp and indel variations).
I am trying to merge the vcf files of each patient using CombineVariants and MergeVcfs (Picard) of gatk, but no success yet. Can any one tell me if I am on the right way? Is there any other tools that I can try?
Thanks for any help!
many thanks for your reply. This is my command:
And this is the error when I am using CombineVariants:
there is no any jar file with the mentioned name in the downloaded package (gatk- after many search I found that may be replacing java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar by gatk can solve the problem. But I got this error:
I tried without -T, but no success.
Regarding MergeVCFs tools: This is the command: (I got this command from the recommended workflow of the website)
When I run the command I got this:
I tried this command:
But I got this error:
Please help me to get out of this problem. Many thanks!
gatk's CombineVariants isn't available in gatk4. And I think this tool doesn't do what you like to do. It's for combining variants from the same sample into a single file. But you like to have different samples in one file.
The message by MergeVcfs is just a notice. It should produce a valid output.
fin swimmer
Thank you fin swimmer. Yes it produced an output but just headers are there no more.
Edit: Sorry I made a mistake. It produces nothing. I mean after getting that notice, I get no outputs.