i annotated one vcf file using SNPeff and now some SNPs have several effect instead one effect, for example:
effect of splice_acceptor_variant and splice_donor_variant is high, while effect of intron_variant is modifier. what is problem? anyone can help me?
SnpEff accepts custom annotations from GFF3 files. See this:
Building Snpeff Database
i did it, i described it in my question
I mean, you could probably create a simplified annotation in GFF3 format and make another SnpEff database. In the simplified version, you may only allow one transcript for one gene (based on expression profiles?), although I would not recommend it.
thanks Kevin
ANNOVAR can help me i guess. i have reference (fasta) file and gff3 file of under study organism. i read ANNOVAR manual for annotation of vcf file by gff3 file but it puzzled me because all the examples are about a human that has all kind of required data. can you help me to do that? anyone here work with ANNOVAR?
Why do you not have a VCF? Have you called variants from your FASTA reads? Have you even aligned the FASTA reads to the reference genome? Which species is it?
i have vcf file resulted from standard workflow of variant calling (fastq files mapped to reference genome, post-alignment steps, variant calling by samtools). under study species is Bactrian camel
Indeed, ANNOVAR will not have annotation for the Bactrian camel.