Hello every one,
It's about a month that I stuck with picard. Every command that I try to run with picard failed. And for all of them I get the same error:
ERROR: Invalid argument '-I' , '-O'
When I try this argument I= or R=
I get this:
NOTE: Picard's command line syntax is changing.
* For more information, please see: * https://github.com/broadinstitute/picard/wiki/Command-Line-Syntax-Transition-For-Users-(Pre-Transition)
* The command line looks like this in the new syntax: * MergeVcfs -I sample1.vcf -I sample2.vcf.vcf -O Output.vcf.gz
can anyone tell me if I am doing sth wrong or it's a bug in picard?
I really appreciate any help!
Please be as complete as possible and include the commands you tried, together with the version of Picard you are using.
I'm using the latest version of picard: 2.18.20
This are the tools which I try to run by picard, but failed:
NormalizeFasta MarkDuplicates MergeVcfs CreateSequenceDictionary
I'm doing the exact command given from the website.
for example for MergVcfs, this is the command:
When I run the command I got this:
It returns me nothing. I tried this command:
But I got this error:
Does removing the excessive space between
Germline.hc.fpfilterPassed.vcf -I
make a difference?Hello WouterDeCoster,
No, it doesn't.