Entering edit mode
6.1 years ago
I'm not seeing anything on the FTP website that has this info: ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-94/fasta/homo_sapiens/
My main goal is to get the exons in uppercase and the introns in lowercase. I tried using this but it dot work for many of the identifiers and takes a long time:
# Download Ensembl Sequences
def download_ensembl(ids, path_fasta="./premrna.fa", mode="premrna", file_log=sys.stderr, drop_N=True):
Download transcript sequences to `path_fasta`. Can be either `premrna` or `cds`.
Ensembl REST API
server = "https://rest.ensembl.org"
# Create file handle
if type(path_fasta) == str:
handle = open(path_fasta, "w")
handle = path_fasta
with handle as f:
for id in tqdm(ids):
if mode == "premrna":
ext = "/sequence/id/" + id + "?content-type=text/plain;mask_feature=1"
if mode == "cds":
ext = "/sequence/id/" + id + "?type=cds"
r = requests.get(server+ext, headers={ "Content-Type" : "text/x-fasta"})
if not r.ok:
seq_record = r.text.split("\n")
id = seq_record[0][1:]
seq = "".join(seq_record[1:])
if drop_N:
seq = seq.replace("n","").replace("N","")
print(">%s\n%s"%(id,seq), file=f)
except requests.HTTPError:
print("\nHTTPError: Invalid identifier `%s`"%(id), file=file_log)
if handle is not sys.stderr:
Hello O.rka ,
for working with multiple identifiers you should use the POST endpoint. Using this you just send one request and get the whole result. There is no need to start a request for every new identifier.
Can you give examples please?
fin swimmer
Definitely not going to try and help until we get those examples Fin asked for.
This can be tricky, since you have overlapping exons. However, for the download of all exonic sequences, you could use the Biomart from Ensembl. You could maybe then download all unspliced Transcripts as well and change all exonic sequences within the respective transcripts to uppercase.
Any way to make the script I have above quicker? It's going to take forever for hg19: 1%| | 1226/104763 [54:47<192:16:23, 6.69s/it]