I am trying to filter reads on sequence quality, using the command line version of fastqqualityfilter (fastx 0.0.13 for OS X 10.5.8; I am running OS X 10.6.7). I have already trimmed these reads using the trimmer:
fastx_trimmer -f 30 -l 600 -i myreads.fq -o myreads.trimmed.fq -Q 33
and checked quality using fastqc. both of these operations ran without error. but, when I try to filter the trimmed fq file:
fastq_quality_filter -q 20 -p 50 -i myreads.trimmed.fq -o myreads.filtered.fq -Q 33
Bus error
Has anyone encountered this error from fastqqualityfilter before? Any thoughts why this is happening?
Thanks for any suggestions!
yes, I was using it on a 64bit Mac. thanks for the help!