Hello everyone, I was wondering if it would make any sense to detect gene fusions in my RNA seq data by just matching the sequence around the fusion point to my reads. What do you think?
Hello Peny, great to see you on Christmas Eve/Day,
The description of your idea is too vague, and I am not going to enter a 'back and forth' discussion on what you mean, exactly. So, perhaps you should just confirm your hypothesis by looking at a few or all of the [shocking number of] fusion gene detection programs that are out there: A: Gene Fusion Detection: Rna-Seq Data
Thank you for your response! I have looked at almost every fusion gene detection tool out there, but unfortunately none supports long read data (like Nanopore) and therefore, I am trying to come up with alternative ideas on how to detect my fusions.
Hi Kevin,
Thank you for your response! I have looked at almost every fusion gene detection tool out there, but unfortunately none supports long read data (like Nanopore) and therefore, I am trying to come up with alternative ideas on how to detect my fusions.
Many thanks,