Hello All.. I sequenced a fungal genome, assembled it into reads and then into contigs, then I tried to annotate it through RAST but it did not proceed and the command was "your sequence has more contigs and cannot be processed" the number of contigs is exceeding 1000. the size is 23MB. Is there any tool automated online tool which can assemble it into large-sized contigs or scaffolds? As for the time being, I need it on urgent basis. Thank you for your cooperation.
Dear thank you for your response. these are 1500 short reads. I want to process these reads. I just want to annotate these
Usually reads will have adapter sequences in them which may be removed prior to assembly (Tools like cutadapt etc are available for the same).
https://bioinformatics.uconn.edu/bacterial-genome-assembly-tutorial/ for more info on different assemblers.
Meanwhile many tutorials for WGS assembly is available online as well.
Since this will be a de-novo assembly many gene prediction tools etc are available such as Augustus,Genemark etc for gene prediction.