I couldn't find a previous answer to this question, but have to believe something exists!
I'm trying to take a list of mutations that looks like this:
chr1 120995 120996 -/TAT
chr1 1090526 1090526 A/C
chr1 2856178 2856178 G/C
chr1 3975090 3975090 G/A
chr1 4420314 4420315 TA/-
And convert it to a bare-bones VCF so that I can run some annotation tools. Doing SNVs is easy enough - it's just shuffling some fields, adding a 0/1 GT column, etc.
Indels are more tricky, since proper VCF needs the adjacent base:
TA/- -> GTA G
I'm sure I could whip something up hacky with samtools faidx, but someone has to have solved this problem already, right?
I think bcftools norm should do the trick with something like (not tested at all):