If you are a moderator on Biostars then your are encouraged to join the Biostar slack channel. Let one of the mods on slack know using a direct message (most of us use the same screen names as Biostars) so you can be given access to restricted moderator channel (there are several open channels that anyone can join).
Moderator-only channel has been extremely useful to coordinate moderation actions, to get consensus on various issues and to standardize moderation quality on Biostars.
Several users were recently promoted to moderator. These users would find Biostars slack valuable to understand moderation responsibilities. In the process they can learn how to make effective use of moderator rights.
Note: A small bolt
symbol next to your name identifies you as a moderator.
This is completely optional but I hope you will consider joining. You can participate as much or as little as you want.
People can use this link to join. It's set to never expire :)
Irony has other game plans. Could you send a new link?
Happy new year to all the folks out there.
@Devon will put a new link up soon. Try in an hour.
I've expired the old link and updated that comment with a new one.
Thanks @Devon, works fine!
PS: This thread is on the top of the heap now, potentially inviting some none mods to join Slack.
And we promise we never spam...
Tagging: igor, shenwei356, cpad0112, 5heikki, Sukhdeep Singh, a.zielezinski, JC
Welcome new mods:
Sej Modha , b.nota and Medhat
Consider joining biostar slack channel.
Thanks genomax :)