I am in process of validating a pipeline for data pre-processing, align to reference and variant calling. I am interested in using the PhiX data from Basespace. But I can not find the raw sequence forward and reverse reads anywhere on Basespace. How can I obtain the Paired end data for both MiSeq and NextSeq platform to use as input files for the pipeline?
The purpose of the pipeline is to work on bacterial and viral genomes to find variants.
Are there any other gold standard databases to use to validate the pipeline?
Thank You genomax!! I did contact Illumina, and was informed that the data is not available for NextSeq and MiSeq. I plan to use the data from the above links for validation. Which reference sequence should I use for mapping? I have found the following link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nucleotide/NC_001422
Will this be a correct link to use?
Illumina provides sequence in their phiX bundle on iGenomes site here.