After finishing genome assembly I got a lot of scaffolds. and I found two scaffolds that were supposed to be connected. So I want to verify if those scaffolds are neighbored in genome. When I ask my professor, he said that I can check using PCR and if two scaffolds are got connected using PCR it means those were actually neighbored in genome. But I didn't understand at all cause I'm just doing computational work in my lab. Is there anyone who can explain about it?
If 2 sequences originate next to one another in the genome, you can PCR using primers that face toward the junction to amplify the missing sequence. When you sequence that via Sanger sequencing, if the fragment overlaps both contigs, they are adjacent in the real genome.
This only works if the missing sequence is short enough though.
thank you !! you mean before PCR for filling the gap, do I have to be sure about those two sequences are adjacent in the real genome in advance? what should I do if I'm not sure about the order of sequences?
You don’t actually need to perform a PCR for the approach to work. For most Sanger sequencing services, you can simply mix some template DNA with a single primer, and send that away. You’ll get about 1kb of sequence back (hence what I said about the gap being small enough). You dont need to know the intervening sequence therefore, and just need primers that match the ends of your known sequences.
However, its likely the gaps will be large, and you will have to perform ‘primer walking’ by successively sequencing, designing a new primer for the new sequence, and on and on.
A much less labour intensive process would be to perform some long read sequencing of your genome with Nanopore or PacBio (though this will cost more money) and create a hybrid assembly.
Forcing anyone to do primer walking in this day and age feels like abuse to me :P
what is DNA template corresponding to gaps???