I would like to get coverage information per bases from the .bam file. But I don't know how to do it. I use IGV to visualize "sorted. Bam" file. When I put the mouse on any base at coverage track, I can see, for example, "Chr 10:150669 Total count:7 A:0 C:6 G:0 T:1 N:0 " through the example, I can know how many counts per base and what are they. But I don't know how I can export this data? I have tried Igvtools(count) with GUI, and then I got a .wig file which has two columns, one is the base position(like, chr1:112234), another is total counts. However, it 's not enough; I still need the details about how many A, G, T, C respectively. Would you kindly tell me how to do it? I will appreciate it.
Thank you very much for your help. It did work. I had tried the command above "sh igv count -w --bases myinput.file." In the beginning, everything is going well. "loading genome: home/igv/genome.hg38.genome; -> Genome loaded. id = hg38; -> Listen on port 60151" But It didn't change anymore. The progress stops at "listen on port 60151". I am trying to figure it out. Thanks again.