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6.1 years ago
I have a lists of differentially expressed genes; I have the log fold change of them. These genes coming from 2 quenching platforms (immune and biomarker). Also these genes are related to 2 group of patient prognosis TRG12 vs TRG45. How I can plot these genes in a way I can show them related to platform and TRG? I guess something like a volcano although I am not sure
Gene Fold Change Panel TRG
CHGA -1.5652029 Both TRG 4-5 Signature
IL1B -1.3159235 Both TRG 4-5 Signature
CXCL8 -1.231194003 Both TRG 4-5 Signature
ALB -1.2116047 Biomarker TRG 4-5 Signature
PTGS2 -1.1674647 Both TRG 4-5 Signature
CSF3 -1.12757675 Both TRG 4-5 Signature
OSM -1.113489387 Both TRG 4-5 Signature
IL6 -1.107777024 Both TRG 4-5 Signature
ISG15 -1.070607929 Both TRG 4-5 Signature
IFIT1 -1.0214389 Immune TRG 4-5 Signature
CT45_family -1.0097384 Immune TRG 4-5 Signature
CXCL6 -1.003206221 Both TRG 4-5 Signature
MAGEA1 -1.001533309 Both TRG 4-5 Signature
S100A7A 1.0501062 Biomarker TRG 1-2 Signature
KIF5C 1.146357 Immune TRG 1-2 Signature
HLA-DQA2 1.1829847 Immune TRG 1-2 Signature
KRT14 1.338032 Biomarker TRG 1-2 Signature
MPPED1 1.3464259 Immune TRG 1-2 Signature
CDK6 1.43895365 Both TRG 1-2 Signature
KLK5 1.470414 Biomarker TRG 1-2 Signature
ANKRD30A 1.4728634 Immune TRG 1-2 Signature
CALML5 1.4947388 Biomarker TRG 1-2 Signature
For example this code gives something weird
with (top,
x = top$TRG,
y = top$Fold.Change,
col = "green",
pch = 16,
Thank you for any help
How to add images to a Biostars post and what are you apologizing for? No need for that at all.