Below is my R scripts for the manhanttan plot, many similar forums has used the same codes for their manhattan plot, but it seems doesnt work for me. Also, the default colour supposed to be black/grey but it turned green in my plot, may i know what mistakes i have made?
manhattan(out, chr="CHR", bp="BP", p="P", snp="SNP", highlight=out$SNP,
genomewideline = F, suggestiveline=-log10(1e-5))
Please see How to add images to a Biostars post to embed images properly and please use the format bar to highlight code. This improves the readability and makes your post visually more appealing, motivating people to help you. I've done the changes for you this time.
As for your question, please show a few lines of the data. This is not strictly bioinformatics, but rather a general R question, so I cannot guarantee you that the question is not going to be closed by any of the other moderators.
thank you, as i have just figured out the answer, should i close this question?
As jrj.healey, it would be helpful for others if you provide an explanation what the issue was and how you solved it.