Good day all,
So I have been trying to retrieve RNA-seq, miRNA-seq and protein expression data from TCGA' GDC data portal. Unfortunately, I have been having some issues. I have read a number of previous posts here in biostars and other forums, but still having issues using the new GDC portal
I have figured out how to get the Primary Tumor and Solid normal tissue RNA-seq and miRNA-seq datasets I need i.e. TCGA barcode ids with 01 or 11 code respectively - as defined by
For example TCGA-COAD project has 456 RNA-seq files and 444 miRNA-seq files
However, I am unable to find the corresponding protein expression datasets - especially Solid normal tissue datasets(11 code or any other). I have looked at TCPA - and only found Primary tumor protein expression (01 code) for the TCGA projects I need. I have also looked through the legacy GDC portal but was unable to find any way to match the files names to the TCGA barcodes. In the new GDC portal I can put files in my cart and download the "sample sheet" which gives me the mapping of actual filenames, MD5 hashcodes, TCGA barcodes, etc. I honestly was under the impression that GDC would have the protein expression data as listed in this link -
Am I missing something here? are my assumptions wrong on that Solid normal tissue datasets(11 code) are included? Amy help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Kevin,
I found the RPPA cbioportal datasets and was able to match their TCGA ids to their respective RNA-seq and miRNAseq data. However as you mentioned, since protein expression profiling was not the primary goal, and specifically referring back to literature for the tcga, it seems "normal" protein expression datasets were not generated - at least not for TCGA project datasets I am looking at - namely COAD and READ.