Dear community,
Does anyone has experience with aligning data using star aligner? It would be very kind of you to share the syntax that you used or have a look at mine and point corrections (chimeric reads alignments etc)
As reads from both strands need to be mapped seperately, I am using following command:
STAR --genomeDir /data/genomes/ --readFilesIn /data/raw/HiREAD/HiC/T-Rep1_R2_001.fastq.gz --readFilesCommand gunzip -c --alignIntronMax 1 --alignIntronMin 2 --outFilterMultimapNmax 1 --runThreadN 8 --outFileNamePrefix T_Rep1_L2
Kindly let me know, if I am missing something here :)
bwa takes a lot of time .... a lot
Thank you
What error did you get?
gunzip -c
needs to be inside quotes (alternatively, you may usezcat
). Also did you check the STAR manual for Chimeric alignment (Section 5) Santosh,
This is working fine no error, I will have a look at the link, thank :)
BWA takes a long time because Hi-C datasets are large. What is your definition of "long", and how many CPUs did you use (full command line), what is your hardware? There are probably things one can optimize if you share your code.
Definition: 5 days of processing on HPC, with 12 threads and 132 Gb RAM. I understand that Hi-C data is huge and will take time, however 5 days is a lot :)
How many reads in the dataset?