Hi I am running the following script:
# Abyss assembly pipeline
# merge non-overlapping pairs with konnector and assembly at various k
for k in `seq 26 10 126`;
konnector -j $cores -k $k -o kon$k out_reads_1.fastq out_reads_2.fastq
mkdir ${species}-k$k
abyss-pe -C ${species}-k$k name=$species-$k k=$k np=$cores q=$Qcut \
lib='pe1 pe2' long='longa' \
pe1='../kon${k}_reads_1.fq' pe2='../kon${k}_reads_2.fq' \
se='../out_merged.fastq ../kon${k}_merged.fa' \
As you can see, it's relatively straightforward where after qsub -pe smp 40
, I use 40 slots on one node. Would it be possible to run parallel jobs on different nodes?
That way you could have several different k assemblies running at the same time for the sake of decreased time.
How would you change my shell script to do this?
Thank you so much
You should check with your HPC folks on how to submit a job that needs 40+ cores, they'd be able to help you better.
EDIT: Removed comments that recommended better formatting.
Thank you RamRs. I appreciate it.....will do!