Hi folks. After performing differential expression analyses on my single cell RNA sequencing data from ILC2s of mouse origin, treated under three conditions, I generated a list of differentially genes. I afterwards used the Gene Ontology platform to generate a shorter list of genes proven to be present on the surface of mouse cells. Is there a computational possibilty to predict interaction partners of these ILC2 surface genes present on the surface of mouse fibroblast cells?
Thank you in advance for your help.
1)This is not exactly what you asked for, but I've found a pdf-file describing molecular docking
and a lot of tools to work with it. http://caps.ncbs.res.in/download/mmpli_talks/Softwares_for_Molecular_Docking.pdf
It's from 2007, some soft may not exist any more, but it's worth looking at, I think.
2)There is another article of virus-receptor binding, https://peerj.com/articles/266.pdf
It mentions some computational tools as well.
3) There is a large drug-design database.
Directory of computer-aided Drug Design tools:
4) Cell-surface human proteins, a post from biostars:
Database of human genes encoding cell surface proteins