This clusterprofiler
tutorial is very helpful for visualizing the GO pathways and other pathways clusterprofiler. In the dotplot, emapplot or cnetplot there is only way to show top category pathways.
I'm interested to show some specific pathways which means I want to exclude some unimportant pathways among the top categories.
How to do that?
Excellent.. Thanks a lot for sharing the link and the answer.
Thanks, nice solution! Is there some way to convert the GeneRatio from character (e.g. 23/356) to the result of the formula? I tried with as.numeric(GeneRatio) and as.formula(GeneRatio) but it didn't work.
sapply(strsplit(y$GeneRatio, split = "/"), function(x) as.numeric(x[1]) / as.numeric(x[2]))