I'm looking for a generic implementation of GSEA so I can easily modify it for applications outside of gene set analyses. I don't want a non-bioinformatics answer, like "go to this website, input your gene sets and then press enter".
However, the original author's implementation is 2500 lines of R code, much of which seems like fluff. I'm looking for a "stripped down" concise implementation of their GSEA.1.0.R script found at the below web address, which works with data matrices in lieu of "gene databases" like their .gmt files and indicator variable integer vectors in lieu of "phenotype databases" like their .cls files. I thought I'd ask the community before I waste 2-10 hours stripping down their code share.
Broad Institute's GSEA R package download page: http://software.broadinstitute.org/gsea/downloads.jsp