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6.1 years ago
For an University project I have two networks from A. Thaliana and V. Vinifera both regarding the ERF superfamily, my goal is to extract information from both of them. I have little knowledge of graph theory and I know absolute nothing about biological networks. Which analysis can I perform in order to compare them?
What is the question you want to address ?
Mainly infer putative function in Vitis given omologus genes from arabidopsis
You don't have to use graphs for this. This is usually addressed by transferring functional annotations by orthology, i.e. an unannotated gene inherits functional annotations from its orthologs in other species. Staying at the simple level of sequence homology is less precise. However, if you need to use graphs for this, I think what you're looking for are subgraphs or modules that are common to both networks such that you can transfer the function from one annotated subgraph/module to its equivalent in the other graph. There is a whole litterature on subgraph mining. If most of the nodes in the two graphs can be matched one to one, you could try co-clustering the two graphs using tensor factorization.
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gene network analysis by cytoscape
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