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6.1 years ago
I'm trying to use create gene trees using Phylonet from multiple loci per species. I'm trying to use the -a
parameter which allows multiple alleles to be sampled.
My code within my nexus file:
InferNetwork_MPL (all) 5 -n 10 -a pre_B120:pre_GHA; gil_B163:gil_131a; mil_125a:mil_128b,mil_94v,mil_GHA; bour_51v:bour_563,bour_GH; lem_98a:lem_98b,lem_B157; art_B82:art_B83; gon_B162:gon_GHA;
I receive this error:
Error at [50,37]: mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
Error at [50,37]: mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
Error at [50,37]: mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
Error at [50,36]: mismatched input ',' expecting ';'
Error at [50,36]: mismatched input ',' expecting ';'
Error at [50,37]: mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
Error at [50,36]: mismatched input ',' expecting ';'
Error at [50,37]: mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
Error at [50,36]: mismatched input ',' expecting ';'
Error at [50,37]: mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
Error at [50,37]: mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
Any help will be appreciated!
I've been following the instructed usage of
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