Dear All,
I have a CWL script which says it is Final process status is success
, but none of the output files are written to the described output directory. The CWL scripts has two input parameter one is input directory where all input file for the HIF_scorefinder.R
is defined and second is a designated directory, where all output files are suppose to be written into.
But currently, my script just runs and finishes with final status Final process status is success
, but inside the output directory there is no expected files. Here is what I have the findscore.cwl
cwlVersion: v1.0
class: CommandLineTool
doc: "The tool for calculating the score for a given set of input samples"
- class: ShellCommandRequirement
- class: InlineJavascriptRequirement
- class: InitialWorkDirRequirement
- entry: "$({class: 'Directory', listing: []})"
entryname: $(inputs.outputdir)
writable: true
baseCommand: [Rscript, HIF_scorefinder.R]
type: Directory
position: 1
type: string?
position: 2
type: Directory
glob: $(inputs.outputdir)
The YML file is,
class: Directory
path: /cluster/home/user/Projects/Kjo_proct/pocKj
outputdir: HypScore1
And I run the cwltool with env preservation. cwltool --debug --preserve-entire-environment hypoxia.cwl moun.yml
. I am using
CWL tool version
cwltool v1.0 201810
The problem is I need a bunch of files to be written to my final output directory. But it leaves an empty directory. I am not able to figure what is wrong here.
Any help would be much appreciated!
For those of you who would have similar issues.
So, I have got the results now by making some minor changes. I changed the glob part from
. And so now the CWL tool is now collecting the output files, where it is been executed.