Which NGS aligner to find inexact matches
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6.0 years ago
Anand Rao ▴ 640

I have a set of 100 bp sequence queries (not sequence reads, but data from some analyses).

I need to report coordinates in the genome, that match each of these sequences, but filtered in at

a. >= 80% identity, and

b. >= 80% query length coverage.

I think BLAST, FASTA, BLAT - the traditional aligners may not be suitable for this. But that an NGS aligner might do the trick.

Because there are > 50 NGS aligners out there (https://www.ecseq.com/support/ngs/what-is-the-best-ngs-alignment-software), is there any recommendation for an aligner that can execute these two filters, and not require the query to be a sequence read, but JUST a DNA sequence?

By the way, had I used BLAST for these searches (which I will not), these 2 filters in BLAST would be set as -perc_identity 0.8 -qcov_hsp_perc 0.8

DNA alignment NGS aligner genome coordinates NGS • 1.8k views
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I would use bwa mem followed by a pysam script to apply the requested filters.

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I've used neither BWA not pysam, so could you share any code snippet, or links to any examples that will help me understand your suggestion correctly and quickly?

Also, am I right in interpreting your response as BWA MEM reporting not just PERFECT matches, but other matches with < 100% identity and < 100% query sequence coverage in step 1

And piping this to PYSAM for the >= 80% filters, as step 2, correct? Will there be some more parsing to report genomic coords as step 3, or will that be taken care of by the PYSAM step itself? Thank you!

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BWA MEM reporting not just PERFECT matches, but other matches with < 100% identity and < 100% query sequence coverage

Yes. BWA-MEM has myriad parameters which you can tune, including how many mismatches you allow.

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Don't think about equivalence between BLAST and NGS alignments, With blast your are looking for local alignments. WIth NGS aligners the alignments are global/glocal due to the small size of the query sequences.

Many NGS alingers can take fasta formatted reads as query (BBMap does).

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I have to do the equivalent of -perc_identity 0.8 -qcov_hsp_perc 0.8 because it has been done in past studies, though strangely using BLAST, not accounting for its local SW algo. I agree with your observation that I need a global aligner that uses the Needleman-Wunsch algo.

However, I still need to apply those 2 filters for consistency and comparison with other studies. Problem is I can't find the appropriate equivalent flags in any NGS mapper yet...

But I think, minid=0.80 in BBmap ~ -perc_identity 0.8 in BLASTn, not sure yet. But I still have not found the equivalent of -qcov_hsp_perc 0.8 in BBmap, or in EMBOSS needle or seq-align, yet.

I am hoping some forum user may have some syntax pointers about how to apply these 2 filters with some global aligner...

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6.0 years ago
Anand Rao ▴ 640

One possible piped solution to report inexact matches in a genome to fasta formatted queries =

BBmap (from BBtools) | sam2bed (from bedops)

See https://jgi.doe.gov/data-and-tools/bbtools/bb-tools-user-guide/bbmap-guide/

Steps and syntax that might be applicable for my case:

Step 1. Build searchable index for reference genome to be scanned for matches

bbmap.sh  ref=Reference.fasta

Step 2. Scan reference genome index with

bbmap.sh minid=0.8 idfilter=0.8 secondary=T maxsites=500 in=Query.fasta out=Query_Vs_Ref_BBmap_minid_idfilter_80per_multi.sam -noheader

Explanation of the flags

minid = is approximate, but can help accelerate BBmap (paraphrasing Brian Bushnell, BBmap's author)

idfilter = "to filter out alignments with under exactly x% identity" (quoting Brian Bushnell)

secondary = enables reporting match details for not just the first or best match

maxsites = provides a ceiling for the number of matching genomic regions for which details will be saved to the output file

noheader = I didn't want bulkier output files than required, therefore suppressing SAM file format header info

Step 3. Convert output SAM file to BED format

sam2bed < BBmap_out.sam > Coords_file.bed

Step 4. Parse BED format for match coords report

Use awk, Perl or Python script, or BBmap reporting option in step 2 itself

AFAIK, NGS mappers like BBmap were not designed with such a goal in mind, so I've still got to QC my suggested little pipeline with control cases. So this is a placeholder, and I will edit details if and when necessary.

Software versions : BBTools - BBMap version 38.35, bedops - version: 2.4.35 (typical)

Downloaded from : https://sourceforge.net/projects/bbmap/ and https://bedops.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html

PS. Thanks to Brian Bushnell for advising use of idfilter flag during the BBmap step.

Perhaps Brian can render the final verdict on validity of this syntax?! Though I don't see any posts from him in > 1 year now...

note: This is the solution for the problem I described in the now closed thread at BLAST run parameters and parsing advice


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