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8.0 years ago
I have some WES data of liver cancer, and I have got the somatic mutations.
Now I want to know how to determine these mutations are on which strand(transcribed/untranscribed strand). For example, if I have a mutation on forward strand: chr1 123456, how can I know its strand information?
Could anyone give me some advice, or is there a software to do the work?
That would require your WES protocol to be stranded, which I haven't heard from yet. So that's the first thing to check. If you have a standard exome sequencing prep, strandedness is not preserved.
Secondly, does it make sense to look for strandedness in transcribed/untranscribed strand? Don't you expect a mutation to be present in both strands of the chromosome? Unless you're looking at an unfixed mismatch, but if I'm not mistaken these get repaired quite quickly.
So if I want to extract fasta sequence of the flanking regions around mutations (SNVs), I should just consider all the mutations to be in one particular strand and go ahead with the analysis (bedtools getfasta), right?