Hey, I can't get UniProts programmatic mapping to only return the requested identifier any more -- rather it returns a list of many associated fields.
My python code from a year or so ago isn't working to map identifiers via UniProts REST service (https://www.uniprot.org/help/api_idmapping). I have been using bioservices (version 1.60) UniProt module, which posts like this:
params = {'from': fr, 'to': to, 'format': "tab", 'query': query}
result = self.http_post(url, frmt="txt", data=params)
currently I am populating the params dict: fr : 'ACC' to: 'UPARC' format: 'tab'
and the query a string of space delineated UniProt ACC something like (but not limited to) : "A0A009EAE1 A0A009EAR0 A0A009ED05 A0A009EDB0 A0A009EDZ8 A0A009EGV3 A0A009EJZ5 A0A009EK04" .
Bioservices module chokes because it assumes that the result will only return the from identifier and the 'to'. However, an entire txt formatted table is returned with organism names, etc. I can parse the results myself, but all this extraneous text clogs the REST service. I suspect that the server returns all the fields when it does not recognize the requested 'from', but I've tried many permutations and can't get it right anymore.