I have aligned our RNA-seq to reference transcriptome (there is no genome) using bwa mem. The reference transcriptome is from the same species but from different population, so some mismatches and indels are expected.
Then I used eXpress to count reads.
The results are strangely low. No reference contig has more than 60 tot_counts. However, when I look at the alignment in tablet or IGV some contigs have up to 500000 reads aligned to them. Moreover, uniq_counts is equal to tot_counts for all contigs. But cca 0.1% of reads in my bam file are multimapped.
Any suggestions what could be wrong?
Thank you for your answer. I am indeed planing to try Salmon with this data, and see if I get to similar conclusion. I found some articles / posts claiming pseudoalignment tools are better, but both were based on human data. So I don't know if this claim holds for organisms with much higher intraspecies sequence variability (where tweaking alignment parameters is sometimes necessary).
Pay attention because Salmon- like eXpress - doesn't want sorted input.