Hi there,
Does anybody know if Ensembl/Ensemblgenomes provides the data of sequence conservation scores (e.g., phastCons, phyloP) for each nucleotide of the genomes? If so, where to download the data?
Many thanks,
Hi there,
Does anybody know if Ensembl/Ensemblgenomes provides the data of sequence conservation scores (e.g., phastCons, phyloP) for each nucleotide of the genomes? If so, where to download the data?
Many thanks,
Thanks Emily. Are there any conservation scores for Ensemblgenomes database (http://ensemblgenomes.org/) such as Ensembl Fungi, Ensembl Plants, Ensembl Protists and Ensembl Metazoa?
You may easily get them from UCSC (Google it). The reference genome assembly doesn't change between different sites - so it will give the same info.
Indeed, link for hg38: http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenpath/hg38/
Thanks. Any idea about how to get the conservation scores for each gene or exon by making use of the single nucleotide data? I know that the bigwig files contain the conservation score for each nucleotide. Should we use the sum or mean to calculate the scores for single gene or exon?
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